repeat youtube url

youtube URL:

Bookmarklet to transform from youtube url to repeat youtube url

I have developed the bookmarklet as well!


1. Add the following link to your favorite link with the right click.
Youtube repeat url
2. Click [Youtube repeat url] from your favorite youtube page.
3. The youtube repeat url is loaded.
4. Then, click [Youtube repeat url] to return the original youtube page.

How to uninstall:

Remove the [Youtube repeat url] from your favorite.


javascript:(function(){var url=location.href;if(url.indexOf('.youtube.')>=0){url=url.replace('https:','http:');url=url.replace('.youtube.','.listenonrepeat.');}else if(url.indexOf('.listenonrepeat.')>=0){url=url.replace('.listenonrepeat.','.youtube.');}location.href=url;clipboardData.setData('Text',url);})();