Shape Amazon URL

Amazon URL:

Amazon URL Shorten Bookmarklet

I have developed the Amazon URL Shorten Bookmarklet which shortens the amazon URL and copy to the clipbord.


1. Add the following link to your favorite link with the right click.
Amazon Link Shorten
2. Click [Amazon Link Shorten] from your favorite when you browse amazon site.
3. The shortened URL is copied to the clipbord, and the shortened URL is reloaded.

How to uninstall:

Remove the [Amazon Link Shorten] from your favorite.


javascript:(function(){var asin=document.getElementById('ASIN').value;var domain=location.hostname;domain=domain.replace('www.','');url='http://'+domain+'/dp/'+asin;location.href=url;clipboardData.setData('Text',url);})();